What if? This is a pretty open-ended question. So many possibilities could come to mind. It all depends on where you are in your life. What if I had taken that job? Married that person? Went back to school? There are unlimited possibilities to this question.
Here are some “what ifs” for you to consider. What if you only got to keep what you thanked God for? What if Jesus while hanging from the cross looked down and around at the people and said it is not worth it, look at what they do father?
He did not say that. He said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” Luke 23:34.
This my friends is Grace, God’s Grace, given for you and for me.
God is speaking to us all the time, yet we do not slow down enough in our busy lives to listen. He speaks though different avenues and through different people.
Have you ever heard the voice of God?
Have you prayed for something then someone spoke about that very thing you prayed about?
Coincidence or God at work?
If we would only slow down long enough to really listen.
God has been speaking from the very beginning if only we knew how to listen and what to listen for.
Be open and be available.
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