In 1837 the first Methodist preacher rode into the piney woods of east Texas. Wherever he tied up his horse, he stood before the people there and proclaimed a gospel message of love and forgiveness. And then he called his hearers to respond in faith and with a transformed life.
The Eastern Texas Conference of the Global Methodist Church is a Holy Spirit movement reviving that timeless Methodist spirit for the twenty first century. We’re sending out church planters like modern circuit riders into cities, towns, and suburbs throughout our region. We’re preaching the gospel with a Wesleyan heart even more boldly than ever. And everywhere we’re pursuing holy lives of faith-filled obedience.
In John Wesley’s day, the Methodist movement was designed to “spread Scriptural holiness throughout the land.” In our generation, this same spirit of the original Methodists is being renewed throughout the globe — and throughout greater Houston, east Texas, and Louisiana. New congregations are joining us every week. Praise God!
-Exert from
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