Worship is our most important work at Silsbee Methodist Church. Everything else that we do derives from the spiritual direction, focus, and energy that we gain from our time in God’s sacred home.
We offer one service, which is a “relaxed, yet reverent” approach towards our time in God’s house. God’s presence makes the time and space sacred to us, and the presence of our gathered church family makes it warm and welcoming.
On Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary, We offer a blended service combining contemporary and a more traditional order of service and hymns. The service contains congregational prayers, a time to share our joys and concerns, a reading of the scriptures and a sermon based upon those scriptures.
We also celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. We believe that the invitation to share in Holy Communion comes from Jesus through the church, and thus our communion table is open to all Christians, regardless of age or their denominational affiliation.
Our church welcomes visitors without regard to age, race, political affiliation, denominational affiliation or any other constraints. We believe our church should be a welcoming place for all those who seek forgiveness of their sins, yearn to find God’s gracious peace and direction for their lives, and desire to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
We look forward to seeing you there!